Why Gel Plus ?

Why Gel Plus? – Why Gel Plus Network Marketing?

A big news that shook global business community, when two American millionaires:


1. Robert Kityosaki, the author of the best seller “Rich Dad Poor Dad”
2. Donald Trump a billionaire.

Co-wrote a text advising that anyone wanting to own their own business should use Network Marketing, in a book called “Why We Want You TO Be Rich and Why We Recommend Network Marketing

Why Gel Plus? – Why Gel Plus Network Marketing?

Why Gel Plus?

Mr. Petter Druckera network marketing guru, said that good network marketing must consist of seven factors, as 

1. Company – the company must be stable, strong, and have a stable financial status.
2. Products – the product must be the best quality and must not have competitors.
3. Plan – income plan should be fair and income should be of food value
4. Trends – products must be in demand in the present and future market.
5. Timing – must not have been launched too long ago and must be in the period of growth.
6. Team – must have a professional leader that can really help you succeed.
7. Management – the management must be professional and administrators must have extensive experience in the field of network marketing.

Gel Plus is a company with all of the seven aforementioned factors and Gel Plus has many other factors that make it stand out, that has helped the company grow quickly and will become a billion – dollar company in the near future.

  •  The latest innovation is unique, unlike anything that is available.
  •  The most modern marketing plan.
  • Administrators with the most success in this business.
  • The first to in the world to develop the innovative nutritional supplement Suspension Gel Technology.
  • The products are not available in the market and cannot be duplicated.
  • Business is conducted through full-fledged e-commerce and e-networking.

Gel Plus has destroyed many historical records in the field of network marketing.

  • Surpassed the global record for sales in the first month of the launch of a new product – 200 million baht, highest in the history of network marketing.
  • Surpassed historical records, launching the product in ten countries simultaneously, which included America, Canada, Thailand, Singapore, Malaysia, Hong Kong, Indonesia, the Philippines, Taiwan, and Israel.
  • Gel Plus has been in business since October 2005 and currently functions in 57 countries.
  • Surpassed historical records, in the first month of business has the biggest financial supporter, with Ash Capital Co.,Ltd., whose owner is Mr. Allen Ashton, producer and distributor of the Word Perfect software, with the sale to Microsoft for 1.7 billion dollars, or 70,000 million baht.  

1. Company

  • With financial from ASH Capital, the producer of Word Perfect, with a value of over 1.7 billion dollars, financial stability is very high. 
  • All Media, print and screen, are distinct and unique.
  • Gel Plus’s online functions, through the website, is one of the best networking system as the moment.                    
  • In the first month of Launch (October 2005) Sales reached almost five million dollars and one salesperson, Mr.Randy Schroeder, made an income of more than 80,000 dollars.
  • Currently, Gel Plus has launched in 57 countries in two years.
  • After just three months of operation, Gel Plus became profitable, in 12 months Gel+ was able to earn back all capital investment. In its 20th month now, Gel Plus has no debts at all. 
  • The headquarters is valued at more than 500 million baht and construction was completed in 2008, which was only Gel Plus’s third year of operations.

A networking business that can have its own headquarters quicker than any other in the world. The head office is located in UTAH USA

  • Operations via the Agel website ( https://www.rgelinter.com/contact/) is one of the best network marketing system in the world and received the American Business Award for “Overall Design” and “ Software Programming Design.”.  (http://www.stevieawards.com/pubs/awards/70_2100_13845.cfm)
  • It’s the only company that businessman Mr. Robert T. Kiyosaki, author of Rich Dad Poor Dad, has mentioned that Gel Plus is a company worth doing business with !!!

2. Product


“A high quality Gel Technology, consumable product that has a universal appeal”

  •  A product that is clearly unique, opening up a brand-new market, not a product that can be duplicated, the very first in the world-nutritional supplements in the form of gels. These are easily carried, taste good, and consumers have reported very positive results. In the past nutritional supplements took form of pills, powder and liquids only. Often consumers are unable to continue taking the supplements because they are in places where water is not readily available, making it difficult to consume tablets or powders. Sometimes, when traveling, carrying around the supplements was not convenient, and if in liquid form there was the risk of messes.
  • The packaging of gel ceuticals is attractive and modern. Just hold it in your hand and don’t say a word, and often people who notice will ask what it is. Thus entering the market is very easy.

A good nutritional supplement is a food that is convenient for regular consumption, no hassles. Some supplements are not effective with some persons because of the complications of consumptions.

  • The Gel Plus product has no competitors. It is the first gelceutical technology in the world ! Absorption rate is 90-100%. It is the highest quality and was awarded the American Business Award “Best New Product” (FLX)



  • Besides high quality, consumable product that has a universal appeal we have also Gel Plus body called Ageless Skin Care.

Nourish your skin. Discover complete, natural skin nutrition.

Are you concerned about the health of your skin? Maybe you are looking for some preventative care, something not full of harmful fillers and chemicals that dry out your skin. If you’re concerned about proper skin nutrition, then GEL PLUS BODY is for you


  • Receive unlimited income, no limited to a specific country.
  • The world network marketing plan is divided into three majors groups:
  1. Can be conducted in the country, for example, local brand network marketing.
  2. Some operations can be conducted overseas, such as network marketing business that has been open for more than 15 years.
  3. Can be conducted overseas 100 %, which is called Seamless World Wide Link. With Gel+ you can have organizations in other countries by using the code received when you applied in Thailand. You can invite friends from any country using the website. And you can receive income from sales in other countries immediately! You can check the website for real time details!

4. Trends

One of a great trend of the world’s marketing is about “Health”

Paul Zane Pilzer, nicknamed the economic forecasting wizard of the world, said that the business of wellness products will grow all over the world, now and in the future.

Many of the products that will take this new industry from a new billion dollars to a one billion are still in the laboratory. The Greatest entrepreneurial opportunities will be in distributing rather than in manufacturing wellness products and services.



Launched worldwide in just fivae yers, and launched simultaneously 10 countries worldwide, and thus is able to present the business opportunity to every country without any delays or conflicts with the launching, since it is a new business all around the world.

 6. TEAM

  • The best team, with 100 years of combined of experience in network marketing! Each member of the team has received income from the network in the figures of ten of million. If you have never done any business before, don’t worry. We have a team that can help you expand you business.

  • The best training system to help you develop your business skills.

7. Management Team


Innovation starts with clarity of vision and flawlessness in execution. Our corporate management team exhibits an unmatched vision and unbeatable execution. If you’re looking for proof, consider the growth strategy and positioning they created, which in turn quickly produced an industry standout. Most network marketing companies experience a fraction of our growth in their first several years. But we’ve only just begun.

We know what it takes to build a strong company and to foster an environment that will attract the best possible people internally and in the field. Gel Plus has been innovative with the product line, with the compensation plan, and with managing growth. And will provide the leadership necessary to continue breaking away from the pack.

We have professional management with vision and experience in the worldwide network marketing industry for over 20 years.

With a complete set of components, creating a golden opportunity in a business that you should not miss.

The saddest thing that people will say when the golden opportunity has passed by is,” If I could go back in time I would………….”

Whether with you or without you, Gel Plus will be worth billions of dollars.
So, don’t let the Gel business opportunity pass you buy without action on it!

Learn more!

Study some more information by VDO Training and join Agel as beginner in your province.

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