Gel Plus Opportunities
Gel Plus is at the focal point of three mega-growth trends: Health & Wellness, Home Businesses, and Network Marketing.
Health & Wellness
The Health & Wellness industry is predicted to grow to over $1 TRILLION dollars by 2010.
Home Businesses
Home Businesses give people the opportunity for financial independence and personal freedom. More and more are being started each day.
Network Marketing
The Network Marketing advertising and distribution model saves companies millions of dollars each year and many new (and old) companies are turning to this model.
Gel Plus Market Opportunities
The Health & Wellness Industry will grow by $750 BILLION over the next 5 years.
Positioning yourself in the path of a major growth industry is key to a highly successful business.
Right now, the health and wellness industry is a $250 Billion Industry and analysts predict it will grow to over $1 Trillion dollars annually by the year 2010. This will generate over $1.9 million dollars every 60 seconds. Whether you are involved or not, this is going to happen.
Gel Plus operates within the direct distribution component (products delivered directly to consumers) of this industry which is estimated to grow from its current level of $75 Billion to around $300 Billion by 2010. Within this sector, an increase of $225 Billion will be generated between now and 2010. If Gel Plus were to capture only one half of one percent of this growth Gel Plus will be a $1 Billion company.
The Network Marketing distribution method is the most effective and efficient way to get goods directly to consumers.
Network marketing has been around since caveman Og told caveman Ug about “fire”. It is simply telling someone else about something you like. It is often called “word-of-mouth” marketing and is the most successful form of marketing and the fastest way to introduce a new product into the marketplace.
McDonald’s recently used a network marketing campaign to introduce their “Red Box” DVD rental machines. They created a contest where you sign-up for a password and then tell all your friends to go to McDonald’s and rent a DVD from the Red Box. When your friends entered your password as the “Coupon Code,” they would get the first night’s DVD rental free. And you get an entry into a $1000 weekly drawing.
This was brilliant! For only $1000 a week McDonald’s got hundreds of thousands of people telling millions of others about the new DVD rental system and encouraging them to become familiar with it by trying it. How much do you think McDonald’s would have had to spend on traditional advertising to reach over a million people a week? MILLION$!
Check it Out – Gel Plus Business Opportunity
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You see the “network” is simply the people you come in contact with or who are in your circle of influence. And the “marketing” is simply you telling them about a product, service, movie, song, book, restaurant, etc.
Network marketing also provides a better model for getting products to consumers.
The traditional model is to manufacture a product, sell and ship it to a warehouse, who resells it and ships it to a distributor, who resells it and ships it to a retail store, who sells it to you, the consumer. And, of course, along the way, there are price increases to cover all the costs of getting that product through the “distribution channel”.
But what if you could sell directly to the consumer?
Cut out all the “middlemen” and all the shipping and storing and stocking of the product and you can save a substantial amount on the cost.
By combining the power of word-of-mouth marketing and direct-to-consumer delivery a company can eliminate 50-75% of the costs of doing business.
So why not take some of that savings and give it to those word-of-mouth marketers? Thus you have the Network Marketing advertising and distribution model.
You already recommend products, services, restaurants, books, movies and more to your friends, family, and neighbors, why not get paid for it?
When was the last time a restaurant sent you a check for sending new customers their way? When was the last time you got a free bottle of vitamins from the manufacturer for showing them to your Aunt Ruthie?
Today the network marketing/direct selling model spans the globe, practiced in more than 100 countries and growing. Nearly 53 million people worldwide participate, and will produce estimated revenues this year of over $30 Billion in the United States, and over $100 Billion worldwide.
And this model continues to grow as new (and old) companies turn to network marketing to reduce costs and expand their marketing reach.
Gel Plus is the ideal network marketing company.
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